Monday, May 12, 2008

Wait a minute...

Six posts old and I realized that I've been a little myopic about what this blog is all about. See, for the past few months - I've been voraciously reading and learning about Web 2.0, social media and the new era that advertising is entering. This information overload needed a vent-hence the blog, and the myopia too.

The fact is that, although, this new era and its possibilities might seem obvious to me - there are few who realize that things have actually changed in the mad ad world.

So, I announce that in the coming few days - I'll dive deep into what this new era is all about and how did it come about in the first place. In this multi-part blogpost series I'll try to explain what this blog will explore in the long run.

Watch out this space for The Story So Far...


Kriti Kalwad said...


wisegirl said...

still watching the space... no new posts!
